
You are more than welcome to the website.  This is the place where the newest updates are made about the music that Steven produces. You can download music from the downloads tab or just listen in the media player on the bottom of the screen.
Steven Jemison has been interested in music his entire life. Read more...

The latest news

New Uploads 

It's been a while but some belated music has been uploaded to the online store! To celebrate this the albums are available at a reduced price. Head on over to Downloads to have a listen or buy the album.

Return to the UK 

Steven has returned to the UK after a temporary stay in Australia. He is currently looking around for meet ups with other musicians to get together and create some new music.


Steven has temporarily relocated to Australia. His last venue was at CYC Baldivis where he entertained voluntarily, playing flute tin whistle and guitar at the staff Christmas party, he also sang to backing tracks that he wrote, recorded and produced himself. Steven received a very warm reception. You can listen to some free previews of the tracks on the 'Downloads' page. He went on to perform in front of the children from the campus who were also delighted by his performance.